Monday, August 3, 2009


Our family is doing great. Jonas is potty training, but I'm just letting it happen all by itself.
When Devin was learning how to go potty in the pot, it was a lot harder and took a very long time, but he was finally done, a few weeks before Jonas was born. Hopefully we can get Jonas done in time for this next little babe to be born. That would be great. I love one in diapers and one just out of diapers.

Right now I am 13 weeks and on Wednesday I'll 14 weeks. So far so good, no weight gain, but my pants are starting to get tighter. My doctor said I am only able to gain 15 pounds because I'm overweight. That is understandable. I'd rather gain nothing, since I've never really lost the weight I gained with Devin or Jonas.

1 comment:

Wiser Family said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy! I didn't know you were expecting- how exciting. I'll be checking on your blog to see how it goes :).