Thursday, September 17, 2009

Its a BOY!!!

Its a boy and I'm excited. I was really hoping for a girl, but you know I love my boys and this one will be a wonderful addition to the family. I keep saying if this wasn't a girl, this will be my hardest boy yet, because being preggy is just so hard.

My friends keep reminding me, that I'm like this everytime I'm pregnant, I just can't remember how bad it gets sometimes. Its probably good I don't remember how hard it gets because these headaches/ migraines are very hard to deal with.

Now for another boy name.... We're going to have to work on that one....


Sarah said...

I'm so excited for you. Good luck on the names. I think boy names are so much harder than girls names.

Mae Linda Willis Lualemaga said...

Cangrats! You have joined my club of all boys!

Larsen's said...

Yay! Congrats on having another man in the house! :)